There are Bellinis and Bellinis--the painter and his works, the pureed peach and champagne drink and this half of a set of ruffled cotton cuffs ornamented with clear seed beads. All are appropriate for Valentine's Day. Though attaching the beads to the edge of the cuff is somewhat fidgety work, the crochet is simple enough for a beginner. I designed this pattern and I will write down if anyone wants it.
This work-in progress is an inexpensive warmer weather alternative to the Mrs. Beeton's Cuffs found at www,knitty.com The latter calls for Rowan Kidsilk Spray in in Vino, available for $ 14.95 at http://www.jimmybeanswool.com/ and Rowan Cashsoft DK in Opulence, available at http://www.purlsoho.com/ for $ 9.50
Check back for !Salero! the flamenco inspeired version of the Bellini.
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