K is one of my best beloved people. She is a no-nonsense lawyer turned editor whose intelligence and kindness make her a valued friend. Her generosity includes traveling miles to comfort my daughter and me during a crisis. She has hosted an open house twice, so that I could show and sell some of my crafts and Dame d'Escoffier that she is, she cooked mountains of delectable food for both occasions. Sharing is part of K's values and those lucky enough to be her friends rejoice in her presence in their lives. I think you will agree that someone that good deserves a knitted gift.
Being a novice knitter the gift I plan for K is a shawl in a lovely sienna mohair yarn from Turkey which I found at http://www.pocketmeadow.net/ I might add some Malabrigo or Handpainted Yarn to it, for texture. The design will be a simple knit and purl which has a lovely lacy quality when knitted with size 15 needles. I think K will like and I hope to finish it before she leaves for Italy where she will spend not only Pessach, but most of April, lucky girl.
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