Below, leftt--boorzhui tchotkes Lenin would have hated, but Lenin is dead. Painting by Charlie Shobe, bowl, Morocco, red Hungarian (?) cloth, ebay, silver,pre-war Poland, candlesticks, Portugal, lamp, a 79 cent find at the Goodwill. Cat cutouts, England. Painting, Charlie Shobe. Pine cones from our garden. Rocking horse, Germany.

Left---Portuguese lamp, Goodwill, Murano paperweight from WV flea market, pitcher from K-mart, fish batik from Ginza, in Georgetown, MD. Homely painting, New England flea market, Hanukkiah, Pottery Barn, boxes are gifts friends brought from India and Iran, old Heinrich tureen is from ebay and pewter objects come from Holland via the US Virgin Islands.

My friend Margaret made us this Winnie the Pooh. He sits on a Big Lots chair. She Who Will Not Be Named gave us the locally made glass ornament.The tortoise shell glass goblet comes from the Goodwill thrift shop. Little houses from tag sales, trees, Big Lots, Eiffel tower ornament, Restoration Hardware.
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