Sunday, August 21, 2011


 I am very concerned about the mangling of Cullinson Park, in Shepherdstown, West Virginia while local  Sewer and Water Services install pipes in that area. Apparently no environmental agencies are supervising this project. There seems to be  Audubon, Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation presence. I am inclined to think that the town has made no effort to minimise damage to wildlife habitat and that there were no environmental impact studies done. Way to go, EPA.
There are nests of copperhead snakes in the park. What will the destruction of their habitat mean to households adjacent  to the park? Will householders welcome the displaced reptiles or will they kill them forthwith? What about the turtles--boxies and snappers. How ill they respond to their loss of habitat? As for the dozen plus types of songbirds that nest in the park, how will they be affected? It is supremely ironic that while trying to clean up the Cheasapeake Bay, the EPA facilitates the impairment of one of the last green spaces left in the Corporation  of Shepherdstown.

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